Miloš Židanik
Health centre Maribor
Sodna ulica 13
2000 Maribor

Tel.: + 386 – (0)2 – 25 17 572

  Židanik M. Between Shizotypal personality disorder and Schyzophrenia. 
  Zdrav vestn 1999;  68: 301-4.


 Abstract: Background. The current clinical thinking is that the schizotype is the premorbid personality of the schizophrenic patient, therefore the border between this two entities is frequently vague. A four-year long psychotherapy of a patient with a schizotypal personality disorder is presented and the differential-diagnostic factors between schizotypal personality disorder and schizophrenia are discussed in this article.

Conclusions. I am proposing following differential-diagnostic factors – psychological background of symptoms, the bizarre nature of symptoms, stressful or traumatic events prior to the onset of symptoms, social deterioration, the clinical response to antipsychotics, existents of developmental deficits and, if possible, changing of symptoms and the patient’s attitude toward symptoms in time.